Book Review:

The Shadow of the Wind
Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Shadow of the Wind

Disclaimer: This is not a political or serious book at all. This is a purely fictional novel that I took on as an escape from the mind-scrambling reality that my thrust into politics has become.

This book was recommended to me by Claudia. It was her favourite book as a young adult, although she had not read it for 10 years or so. I took it on to hopefully learn something about her and to strengthen our bond as a couple.

This has been one of my favourite reads in a long time. In its essence, the book is a book about books. Set in a post-war Barcelona, a young boy is taken by his father into a labyrinthine sanctuary for forgotten books and allowed to pick out one of his choosing. He finds The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax. This seemingly innocuous occurrence sets off a sequence of events that nobody could foresee, including an author tormented by a lost love, a detective with grudge-born bloodlust, a visit to the uppermost echelons of Spanish society and dark nights spent in the downtrodden depths of the city’s sewer-dwellers. It is a marvel to read, if slightly dated already.

Zafon’s use of language, or at least the translated version thereof, was inspiring. For long periods, I found myself completely absorbed in his prose, each word stimulating some recess of my imagination to spur on the visual story in my head. It reminded me of why I enjoy writing so much myself. You got the sense Zafon was personally titillated while crafting characters like Fermin, Julian, and Gustavo.

I don’t often read just for pleasure, but this was a pleasure to read.

About Andrew

Andrew is a South African politician and environmentalist. He is a member of the Democratic Alliance and was elected to the National Assembly of South Africa in the 2024 general election. He is a former Avitourism Project Manager at BirdLife South Africa and has a background in environmental science and conservation. He is passionate about the environment, tourism, and the future of South Africa.

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Andrew represents the Democratic Alliance as a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly. He has 8 years of experience working in the environmental and conservation spheres in the NGO sector and holds a Masters in Biological Sciences from the University of Cape Town. Andrew is passionate about protecting the environment, stimulating the biodiversity economy, and promoting South Africa’s natural heritage.